We help provide clean water for drinking, irrigation, and manufacturing through the design of water treatment and distribution systems.
- Filtration/Treatment Plants
- Distribution Systems
- Water Intakes
- Transmission Mains
- Storage Tanks
- Clear Wells
- Pump Stations
- Well Pumps
- Irrigation Design

We design activated sludge, rotating biological disks, attached growth bio-towers, continuous flow activated sludge and sequential bath reactors.
- Municipal Plants
- Industrial Plants
- Collection Systems
- Pump Stations
- Force Mains
- Infiltration and Inflow

We help mitigate the effects of flooding by designing structures to reduce flooding and improve water quality for residential, industrial, and commercial developments
- Surface Hydrology
- Detention Ponds/Tanks
- Drainage Systems
- Erosion and Sediment Control
- Rainfall Measurement
- Agricultural Land Preservation

We perform hydraulic studies to request Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) revisions or amendments to FEMA in compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
- 1D, 2D, and 3D models
- Encroachment Studies
- No-Rise Certifications
- Sediment Transport
- Bridge/Culvert Design
- Scour Analyses
- River Channelization

We help municipalities and operators in the design, operation, and rehabilitation of large reservoirs by developing complex sediment transport and deposition models.
- Safe Yield Studies
- Dam Level Studies
- Sequential Operation
- Scour/Deposition Studies
- Dam-break Studies
- Sand Extraction Permits
- Reservoir Life Estimates
- Groundwater Modeling

We strive to protect our water resources by going beyond the scope of engineering and delving into the areas of environmental science, limnology, and ecology.
- Environmental Compliance
- Water Chemistry
- Water Quality
- Fish Passage
- Stream Restoration
- Ecohydraulics
- Physical modeling
- Fate/Transport Modeling
- Wetland Delineation
- Plan Reviews